Writing an academic essay
Thursday, September 3, 2020
marks and spencer essays
imprints and spencer articles Imprints and Spencers has had a reliable record of progress and productivity up to this point when they were out of nowhere hit by falling deals. Imprints and Spencers were absolutely caught off guard for this and keeping in mind that they were growing new stores and extending the business their rivals were reinforcing. Since Marks and Spencers have been exceptionally effective and serious for such a long time their was no strain to improve the business and now its rivals have overwhelmed and fundamental issues have emerged, something should be finished. The business needs a total redesign the executives should be smoothed out, the business structure should be re-sorted out to make it progressively effective and the showcasing blend should be changed in the first place. I will investigation into Marks and Spencers for the most part by heading off to their site and discovering earn back the original investment graphs, benefit and misfortune accounts and money related outcomes for late years. I will likewise go into Marks and Spencer stores and request applicable data, for example, records, and I will check out stores to check whether anything should be improved, for example, the format and the presence of the shop and so on. I will take a gander at Marks and Spencers item goes and the style of its garments to check whether the quality is up to norm and the garments are chic. I will glance through the papers searching for the most recent news and data and I will check papers sites, for example, ft.com for data on M I will at that point utilize the information to assist me with arriving at exact proposals on the most proficient method to stop Marks and Spencers benefits falling. The Financial outline shows valuable data for as long as 5 years from this you can see that benefit has been expanding until 1999 when it strongly drops. Additionally you can see where the turnover is coming from so you can see which parts o... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cochlear implants and the debate within the deaf community. Arguing Research Paper
Cochlear inserts and the discussion inside the hard of hearing network. Contending that cochlear inserts have been helpful for the hard of hearing network - Research Paper Example The outer parts of the embed contains a mouthpiece that will be worn behind the ear of the patient, connected to an attractive transmitter, which is joined to the earpiece and a sound processor. When the implantation is finished, an audiologist utilizes a PC to set the discourse processor for the patient. The audiologist sets the processor and projects it to the suitable degrees of sound-related incitement between sound got from condition and mind nerve cells (Cochlear 1; Ouellette 1248). When the processor is set, the amplifier gets sounds from the earth and sends it to the discourse processor, which at that point performs calculation, and changes the sound to electrical codes and computerized position. The computerized codes are sent to the external ear part as coded signals bypassing the ear hairs. The attractive transformer behind the ear at that point takes these codes, changes them to anodes clusters, and interfaces them to the cochlea. At that point the interior gadget in the cochlea takes these exhibits and animates the sound-related nerves filaments that are associated with the mind, whereby the clusters are sent by the sound-related nerve of the individual to the cerebrum for understanding (Cochlear 1). This paper tries to build up that cochlear inserts innovation is advantageous to the hard of hearing network regardless of their restriction to the inserts during their origin. So as to reduce fears of the hard of hearing network there have been upgrades in cochlea inserts innovation after some time and consequently expanded pace of progress to patients who have experienced the method. In a perfect world, the method is intended to be applied to newborn children brought into the world hard of hearing or the individuals who have created deafness in their initial days. This is on the grounds that intellectual advancement of a kid into their faculties and condition happens between the ages of 0-3 years. Thus, if the technique is attempted during this
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Author of “Facing It”
The manner in which one talks and acts coming out of war is awful not exclusively to the human body yet the brain too. In the event that we the peruser didn't have the foggiest idea about that the writer of â€Å"Facing It†Yusef Komunyakaa, was a war veteran, I would ensure that in the wake of perusing his sonnet you would have inferred that he was. What is striking about his work it that Yusef utilizes words that you wouldn't regular set up to cause you to comprehend what he, the essayist is seeing and confronting subsequently the sonnet â€Å"Facing It†. By reciting the sonnet in your mind or even so anyone can hear you could tell that the creator's manner of speaking is grief stricken, he feels this clashing torment inside himself, that must be communicated through verse. Yusef clarifies his emotions and what he's encountering outside post-war. His work portrays a specific illustration where he discusses the Vietnam veteran dedication divider, as like a mirror in which he's not in or on. Because of that, he keeps in touch with them down as sonnets and thinks of delightful analogies, that from a mental study, brings up issues about what he is attempting to pass on all through the war. Brain research is a route for people to locate the more profound importance behind an individual's statement. As I separate Yusef's sonnet and attempt to locate the more profound significance, I won't just discussion about his inner battle between his involvement in war, yet in addition the inward fight that Yusef faces among him and himself, and how he work to conquer it. The absolute first refrain in Yusef sonnet â€Å"My dark face blurs, stowing away inside the dark rock, I said I wouldn't damn it: no tears I am stone I am flesh†.(lines 1-3) Starts off by discussing his race as well as mentally his memory also. As indicated by Floyd, Pilar examined rendition of â€Å"Facing It†Yusef face blurs into the rock of the remembrance. He thinks back upon his recollections and considers them to be highly contrasting as people will in general do in dreams. He sees the white engraved names on the dark stone. While relating the two together, he clarifies how he is covering up he can not see himself operating at a profit stone, as a result of his shade as well as in light of the fact that he feels unequivocally and progressively blameworthy that his name isn't up on that divider dissimilar to the remainder of his individual troopers. â€Å"No tears I am stone I am flesh†(line 4) can just allude to the possibility that he like the rock is stone. Anyway in light of the fact that he is alive he remains this warm living substance that is fit for crying despite the fact that he alludes to himself as stone. Yusef utilizes illustrations and analogies as a path from concealing his actual self. We needs to stay solid stone, however oh dear he is battling between to states he'd prefer to be in: last chance. In addition to the fact that this is a fight for Yuself, we start to see a fight that battles among Yusef and himself when dealing with the real world. â€Å"My obfuscated reflections eyes me†( line 5 ). Blurred importance the tears that are advancing, or this thought Yuself himself is obfuscated. At the point when somebody remains far away from a reflection, there picture gets blurred, as though it were vanishing, and for this situation Yusef needed to, however the stone was hindering him, alongside himself. As the peruser I interpreted this as meaning he was tolerating himself and the war, therefor moving in an opposite direction from it. At the point when the announcement eyes it â€Å"eyes me†meaning its thinking back, can imply that his appearance is glancing back at him or he is peering inside himself. He understood and expected that its the stone that is not moving, its him who needs to leave yet can not. Yuself is a casualty of war †like a flying creature of prey†( line 7 )he is exploiting himself and the names on the stone are what's breaking down him. Enthusiastic, everything turns into a suggestion to a casualty of war. As indicated by Floyd, Pilar he's tolerating that any place he goes there will consistently be an update, it's not getting away from him. Yusef is getting a feeling of his environmental factors. â€Å"I turn along these lines the stone lets me go†( line 8 ) he turns the other path and there is the remembrance once more. As he attempts to leave, he is acknowledging there is no leaving, since he's constantly fit for turning toward another path and winding up back the latest relevant point of interest. From a mental stance, I would state not exclusively does he not have any desire to be separated from the commemoration however he is additionally tolerating to the possibility that is alright to pivot and not gaze into it for some time. Similarly as he is going to leave he returns rights and acknowledges what number of names are upon the dedication. â€Å"I go down 58,022 names half-hoping to locate my own in letters like smoke†( line 15 ). There is a feeling of blame in this sentence, you can nearly feel that he needs his name there yet in addition he doesn't. I state this in light of the fact that Yusef utilizes the term smoke. Smoke meaning a hundred diverse explanation, yet for this situation smoke can mean something clear. As indicated by Floyd, Pilar she expresses that in this reason the word smoke implies effectively feasible and simple enough to vanish. Here you can see that Yusef is battling with himself, he feels this awareness of other's expectations and blame. As a living individuale, Yusef like smoke can disappear and return when he satisfies, dissimilar to those names on the divider that will that will never. With this it gives Yusef this consolation that he is genuinely alive in light of the fact that his name can't be found on that rundown. Anyway he despite everything is a casualty and battles regularly with this idea of brutality and lose. To individuals like us it's a divider with names, to Yusef it's a significant memory. By and by Yusef ends up in a psychological state, like the one in the start of the sonnet. Where he is thinking about the potential outcomes of life and passing, the interior battle among him and himself. Yusef sees a veteran come out of the divider and hurry through him, as discussed in class this picture Yusef see's is like what could be an apparition. As expressed in a broke down rendition of â€Å"Facing It†Floyd, Pillars take on this announcement she says that Yusef like the veteran with one arm has additionally lost something from the war, that being his bit of psyche. I interpreted this as meaning that Yusef strolls however life step by step battling still on the grounds that the distinction between what we believe is a phantom and Yusef himself, is that Yusef despite everything lives. †In the dark mirror a lady attempting to delete names, no she is brushing a young men hair†( line 29) This was a troublesome relationship to separate, anyway as the peruser, I read it to imply that Yusef is making some troublesome memories recognizing the contrast between recollections from the war and recollections of life. He needs to accept that everything will be alright and that no one is harmed, yet that is not the situation. He needs to resemble every other person, yet he can't. For what reason can't other be progressively similar to him? From here on end's everything Yusef might do, each announcement, and each activity will be an effect from his choices and his activities from the war. He lives attempting to discover the distinction among dream and reality, the contrast among life and demise, and what he communicates in his last refrain is that no one will comprehend and very few individuals care, except if they themselves resemble Yusef. Subsequently Yusef faces with numerous mental battles, yet like numerous they set aside effort to appreciate and comprehend. All through the sonnet you perceive how Yusef changes his feelings about what he sees and feels while taking a gander at the remembrance. Yusef faces numerous things, in light of the fact that the war in himself and in his mind isn't finished. He endeavors to beat the bad dreams and pain he faces, yet finishes up that will not at all like numerous individuals, he has a benefit of comprehend the significance of this bit of stone, that many don't appear to appreciate. Every verse of Yusef's sonnet is a method of communicating his inward fight. Every thought shows that Yusef is attempting to conquer something in himself however taking a gander at everything however alternate points of view. At a certain point he's a feathered creature taking a gander at himself, next his picture blurs into the dark rock. Yusef remains on this scarce difference among life and demise and endeavors to separate the contrast between the two given his battle. In discovering that it's he who keeps him down, Yusef figures out how to live with the manner in which he looks and faces life. Returning to this present reality is similarly as troublesome as being in war. Yusef appears to comprehend the significance of everything except for simply doesn't comprehend why it must resemble what is the reason he is inside battling with himself.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Unreliable Narration in F. Scott Fitzgerald and Julian Barnes - Literature Essay Samples
An â€Å"unreliable narrator†is defined as â€Å"a narrator whose credibility has been seriously compromised.[1]†The phrase itself was first coined by Wayne C. Booth in The Rhetoric of Fiction (1961): in the course of his analysis, Booth goes onto argue that â€Å"A narrator is reliable when he speaks or acts in accordance with the norms of the work, unreliable when he does not.[2]†Although a theory later challenged by Peter J Rabinowitz, the idea of the unreliable narrator does provide some context to the concept of â€Å"unreliability.†As I will argue, the main difference between the presentations of two respective narrators, Tony in The Sense of an Ending [2011] and Nick in The Great Gatsby [1925], is how reliable the narrators consider themselves to be, compared to what the reader may believe. Although both seem to some extent unreliable, our opinions do change at key moments in each novel. The way in which the narrators are used by the writers provide clues as to why they act as they do. Fitzgerald uses his book as an opportunity to launch a scathing attack on American society in the 1920s. He argues that instead of separating itself from the days of the past as originally thought, American society has changed very little, with distinct social boundaries remaining, presented in The Great Gatsby as the contrast between East Egg, â€Å"†¦the white palaces of fashionable East Egg†[G 8][3] and the Valley of Ashes, â€Å"where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens.†[G 21] Here, East Egg shows how the social elite remains secure thanks to the wealth of its ancestors. The Valley of Ashes, meanwhile, represents the crushed dreams of ‘normal’ citizens who had hoped to make something of their lives by following the American Dream, only to find that America is still enslaved to the traditional European social system se t up by colonial rule, leaving behind only â€Å"foul dust†[G 6]. By launching this attack, Fitzgerald would not want to be directly associated with these ideas, largely to avoid tarnishing his reputation (he stood in both social camps mixing with upper class circles and writing for a readership of a multitude of classes). If Daisy appears to be based on Fitzgerald’s wife, Zelda, it is possible that the author would want a filter to distance himself from Daisy’s portrayal as a shallow, self-centered, and even hurtful woman. The situation is quite different in The Sense of an Ending, where the author Julian Barnes has a more personal reason for writing the book. Some critics view the book as allowing Barnes to properly come to terms with the death of his wife in 2008 and to present his views on the importance and connection between memory and death. His narrator therefore could be seen an alternative perspective. In his 2013 book Levels of Life, Barnes tells us that he contemplated suicide, his preferred method being â€Å"a hot bath a glass of wine and an exceptionally sharp Japanese carving knife,†[4] the same method used by Adrian in The Sense of an Ending. Therefore, you could argue that he is considering the actions and repercussions of his potential suicide. However, it does show that the motives behind the two novels are different, with Barnes seeing his work as a therapeutic and reflective way to cope with his wife’s untimely death and Fitzgerald looking more to produce a good story, while simultaneously distancing himself from the key messages of the book. The initially-presented forms that the narrators take also offer strong contrasts. In The Sense of an Ending, Barnes starts by constructing an air of unreliability around Tony’s narration: Tony tells us â€Å"I remember in no particular order:†[S 3][5] before launching into a fragmented list of what seem to be random memories, (â€Å"a shiny inner wrist†¦ steam rising†¦ gouts of sperm†¦ a river rushing†¦ bathwater long gone cold†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [S 3]) although they soon become important. Early on, Tony refers to one of the key concepts of the book the link between memory and documentation for recording history. Adrian explains that â€Å"History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation†[S 17]. The linked theme of the book is that Tony is attempting to figure out the story of what happened with very little documentation, so that memory is used to plug the gaps, â€Å"imp erfect[ly]†. This quotation can also be used to look at Nick’s narration in The Great Gatsby where the reader is expected to believe the story as fact simply because it is the only form of â€Å"documentation†with which the reader is presented. We presume, however, that Nick does not suffer the same memory issues as Tony because he is dictating events from less than two years ago (â€Å"When I came back from the East last autumn†[G 5]) unlike Tony, whose own gap is much larger (â€Å"I’ve followed†¦ the fall of Communism, Mrs Thatcher, 9/11, global warming†[S 60]). Nick, meanwhile, is presented without Tony’s cognitive inadequacies. Early on he says â€Å"Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope†[G 5] and insists â€Å"I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known†[G 48], Fitzgerald encouraging us to see Nick as reliable. The effect here is that whereas Tony’s failings are emphasized, making the reader aware of the unreliability of the narration, Nick is used to deliberately misguide and deceive us, suggesting that Fitzgerald wants to hide certain elements of Gatsby from us. Gatsby is presented as an idol (â€Å"there was something gorgeous about him†[G 6]) giving a strong sense of deliberate deception, a contrast with Tony, who only provides a mixture of confused memories in a blatantly unreliable account. However, it is possible to argue that Barnes’ narrator does in fact attempt to deceive us by ‘forgetting’ to mention some important facts. His poor memory is an excuse (â€Å"my best memory.†[S 19]): â€Å"few other memories came back to me.†[S 35]. What perhaps makes us suspicious is how quickly he turns from moments of strong detail to a sense of confusing ambiguity. When Tony describes breakfast with Mrs Ford, we are told how â€Å"The remnants of the broken one were still in the pan; she flipped them casually into the swing-bin and half-threw the hot frying pan into the wet sink†[S 29]. However, he moves on to â€Å"When Veronica and the menfolk returned†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [S 29] without giving any timescale or detail of what happened in between, not unlike Nick’s fragmented account in Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby: â€Å"Beauty and the Beast†¦ Loneliness†¦ Old Grocery Horse†¦ Brook’n Bridge†¦Then I was ly ing half-asleep.†[G 32]. Tony’s obfuscation may not seem relevant at the time; but after we discover Adrian’s affair with Mrs Ford, we are interested to know whether something happened between her and Tony, the sexual connotations of â€Å"fizzed†[S 29] and â€Å"steamed†[S 29] helping to back this argument up. Nick, meanwhile, is proven to be unreliable through his inconsistencies. In chapter 7 on the same page, Nick says â€Å"I’ve always been glad I said that. It was the only compliment I ever gave him.†[G 122]. However, just a few lines down, we are told that he â€Å"disapproved of him from beginning to end.†[G 122]. The contradictions suggest that Nick himself is conflicted. Being a normal man makes him tell some truth about his opinion on Gatsby, â€Å"Gatsby, who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn.†[G 5/6] However, Nick also wants to present Gatsby as being a â€Å"great†man (hence the title) and so attempts to cover up his â€Å"unheroic[6]†(according to Claridge) qualities. Gatsby’s illegal activities are only implied, not explicitly explained as Peters describes: Gatsby is â€Å"a shadowy figure, built up from a series of chronologically disjointed rumours, anecdotes and brief impersonations.[7]†There is stronger evidence therefore that Fitzgerald uses his narrator to deceive Nick fails to â€Å"reserv[e] judgements†[G 5] as was previously promised. With Tony, however, we can only guess whether he has deliberately left facts out or whether the flaws of memory itself is the reason, â€Å"memory is what we thought we’d forgotten†¦ time doesn’t act as a fixative, rather as a solvent.†[S 63] In his NY Times review, Geoff Dyer describes Tony as â€Å"reliably unreliable.[8]†Certainly he is set up in a way that we expect as an unreliable narrator of â€Å"history.†Tony’s own description is that his story will be â€Å"a few incidents that have grown into anecdotes†¦ approximate memories which time has deformed into certainty.†[S 4] Yet Barnes also signals we should mistrust any narrator whose own story is obscured, since â€Å"we need to know the history of the historian in order to understand the version that is being put in front of us.†[S 12] Both Nick and Tony are brief about their own lives, Tony saying â€Å"I met Margaret, we married and 3 years later Susie was born.†[S 54]. Nick, meanwhile says â€Å"I just remembered that today’s my birthday†[G 108] before swiftly changing the topic back to Gatsby. Should we then be concerned that Tony and Nick’s real lives are absent from their narratives? It can be read that neither narrator is â€Å"great†enough to be the center of his story – as Tony comments: â€Å"This was another of our fears: that Life wouldn’t turn out to be like Literature.†[S 15] Dyer describes Tony as ‘in keeping with the national average[9]’ and the same could be said of Nick. Neither enjoys a â€Å"novel-worthy†(S 15) life, so they look elsewhere for their material, becoming â€Å"onlookers and bystanders†¦ important things could happen.†[S 15] The two ‘heroes’ of the respective books are presented very differently, yet both presentations foster the sense of unreliability. Barnes makes Tony’s perception of Adrian that of a martyr (â€Å"He had a better mind and a more rigorous temperament than me; he thought logically, and then acted on the conclusion of logical thought.†[S 53]) thanks to his suicide. This completely changes when the ‘truth’ is revealed: â€Å"I had to recalibrate Adrian, change him from a Camus†¦ into what? No more than a version of Robson†[S 140-41]. Adrian becomes no better than the â€Å"unphilosophical, self-indulgent and inartistic†[S 14] Robson. His ‘hero’ status disappears, and we realize that the image was unreliable: Adrian was presented as a martyr when he is, in fact, a fake. A similar situation arises in The Great Gatsby but not for the same reason. Gatsby is presented by Nick as a kind of god, â€Å"He stretched out hi s arms toward the dark water in a curious way†[G 20], someone people should worship because of his ‘rags to riches’ life: â€Å"Mr Nobody from Nowhere†[G 103] becoming great is the embodiment of the American Dream. However, like Adrian, he turns out to be a fake, as Pearson describes, he is a â€Å"false prophet of the American Dream.[10]†However, unlike in The Sense of an Ending where Tony sees the light, Nick hides from the truth, preserving the god-like image. The direct reference to God comes in â€Å"the truth†¦ that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [G 78]. This is blatantly ironic. Gatsby is a bootlegger and a showman, barely better than the rumors which initially complete his character: â€Å"Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once†[G 34]. However, Gatsby also represents the American Dream and how corrupt it has become. SiniÃ… ¡a Smiljanić says that ‘The fundamental presupposition that the American Dream can be achieved by anyone as long as they work hard turns out to be nothing more than a mere illusion, a lie intended to give people something to live for.[11]’ This is fairly represented through Gatsby – just as he is a fake, so is the dream, because American society has yet to escape its colonial past. The setting, on the USA’s east coast, strengthens the links to traditional Europe. Tony shows unreliability in that he presents Adrian incorrectly â€Å"calibrat[ing]†(S 140) Adrian, but we are given his updated perspective. However, Nick’s epiphany remains hidden because Nick hides himself from the truth, thus his narrative turns out to be wholly unreliable with Gatsby’s darker side never truly investigated. The nature of the narrators plays a key role here. If we explore the way in which they react to society around them, an interesting comparison can be made with T. S. Eliot’s ‘The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock’ (1915). This poem has different links to each text. Comparing the poem with The Sense of an Ending, one can draw comparisons between the like-minded Tony and Prufrock. Prufrock seems always to doubt his ability to speak to women: â€Å"Then how should I begin/To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways?[12]†We know that Tony struggled in this sense, saying in his first term at university â€Å"I just hung around and tried to make interesting remarks while expecting to mess things up†[S 20]. Both Nick and Tony suffer from Prufrockian social awkwardness, affecting their narrations. Their perspective simply observing instead of doing, being â€Å"peaceable†or â€Å"cowardly†[S 35] should help to give a more reliable narrat ion. However, Eliot’s link with Gatsby is even stronger; Mike Ettner describes Fitzgerald as â€Å"a self-described enthusiastic worshipper of T. S. Eliot.[13]†The Valley of Ashes seems an image directly inspired by ‘The Wasteland.’ (1922) The illusion to Eliot’s â€Å"†¦Arms that are braceleted and white and bare[14]†is apparent when Nick makes reference to Catherine’s â€Å"bracelets which jingled up and down her arms†[G 26]. This is one example of how ‘oddly’ the narrators observe feminine beauty. Yet this connection to Prufrock is more important than just characterizing our narrators as social outcasts. Their inabilities to understand social situations lead to misinterpretations such as Tony’s inability to understand relationships, shown when he apparently breaks up with Veronica, then has sex with her and concludes â€Å"No†[G 37] when considering the longevity of the relationship. The sa me can be said of Nick, who seems unable to understand his relationship with Jordan: â€Å"We talked like that for a while, and then abruptly we weren’t talking any longer.†[G 123]. Here, Nick seems unable to fully grasp the concept of being in a relationship and so (for almost no apparent reason) puts to bed any idea that they could have been a couple. However, Fitzgerald and Barnes teach us that even decentered narrators do more than simply describe what is happening. They are the ‘windows’ through which we view the text. Eliot’s poem is the meandering stream of consciousness of an emotionally paralyzed persona. It is his ‘love song’, yet it fails to live up to the expectations of this form, just as the protagonist fails to live up to the pretentious promise of his name. This then is the ultimate result of the narrators’ unreliability. The reader must recognize that what the texts promise is not always what they achieve. Fitzgerald promises us Gatsby the â€Å"great†man, yet Gatsby becomes a tainted hero. Barnes promises us the sense of an ending, but when Tony is forced to change his mind, to recognize that nothing makes up for a lack of testimony, we are left wondering if one â€Å"gets it†at all. [1] Booth, (1983), p. 3 [2] Ibid, p. 4 [3] Fitzgerald, (2008), p. 8 [4] Barnes, (2013), p. 80 [5] Barnes, (2011), page 3 [6] Claridge, (1993), p.8 [7] Peters, (2003), p. 20 [8] Dyer, (2011), NY Times Website [9] Ibid [10] Pearson, (1970), page 4 [11] Smiljanić, (2011), page 2 [12] Eliot, The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock, (2001) L66 [13] Ettner, (2013), Mike Ettner’s Blog [14] Elliot, ‘The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock’ (1920), L. 69
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Debate Over Free Community College - 967 Words
The Debate Over Free Community College In today’s generation many hear about the importance of getting a college education. Many believe that getting a certification or degree will lead you on the path to a better future. For a portion of the American population college is helped pay for by various grant and student loans. But what about the portion of Americans that don’t qualify for them? For these Americans college seems so far out of reach. Making community college free for all Americans will be very beneficial to those Americans that don’t get help with paying their tuition. It will also make sure that nobody gets left behind because of their lack of money. Through evidence I will provide good reasoning as to why community college should be provided free to all citizens of the United States. Although the suggestion of community college being free for everybody sounds like something that everyone would be all to willing to agree with there are many people who oppose the idea for several reasons. F or Republicans this plan going into action would be too expensive for the United States to afford (Glum, 2015). In the graph (see Figure 1) provided by Archibald and Feldman (2014), 2 economists at the College of William and Mary the amount of money per state to make community college free is very expensive. Not only are states going to have to deal with this financial burden, the federal government has a greater portion to pay for this proposal if this were to becomeShow MoreRelatedThe Rise And Fall Of College Tuition1575 Words  | 7 PagesRise and Fall of College Tuition in the United States In the recent debate regarding the implementation of free college tuition across the United States, Jon Wiener, a Los Angeles journalist for The Nation, and Kelly Field, chief Washington reporter for The Chronicle of Higher Education who covers different federal education policies, discuss why college tuition should be abolished in the United States of America and the role of both Democratic and Republican parties on the debate. In the articleRead MoreFree Community College Should Be Free1302 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Free is a word with a powerful appeal. 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AmericaRead MoreCommunity College Education Should Not Be Tuition Free998 Words  | 4 PagesCommunity College Education Should Not Be Tuition Free Every year, millions of students graduate from high school and consider studying in community college. The main reason for them to choose community colleges over four-year universities is the affordable tuition, or they have undecided majors for their careers. Unfortunately, an academic article published in 2014 â€Å"How to Help College Students Graduate,†Kirp demonstrated, â€Å"American students are enrolling college in record numbers, but they areRead MoreShould The Tuition Free Program Be Mandated?887 Words  | 4 Pagesto make community college free for Americans. The proposal is made with stipulations, being that students are required to attend at least half time, maintain a 2.5 GPA, and make steady progress toward completing their program. With Tennessee already at a successful head start with their free tuition program, President Barack Obama wants the remaining states to progress as well. Now President Obama wants every American to receive two years of tuition free education in a community college. Upon completionRead MoreShould College Be Free College?1614 Words  | 7 Pagescandidates because of his belief that tuition and cost of living at public colleges and universities should be free. Free college has become one of the most talked about policy proposals on the campaign trail, but questions surround the policy, such as how it would work, how much it would cost and how it would affect students (Rhatican). Most colleges bundle their prices in terms of tuition and fees. In 1995, tuition for private colleges was around 14k, for Public out of state it was around 7k and for publicRead MoreThe Community College Model Works Just Fine1361 Words  | 6 Pageson Barack Obama’s recent proposal to make the first two years of community college free of charge. Dr. Michael A. MacDowell, retired president of Misericordia University and a writer for Citizen’s Voice, disagrees with Obama’s plan and makes this clear in his article s title, â€Å"The Community College Model Works Just Fine.†MacDowell’s biggest arguments is that the community college group is not the most effective group to offer free education. MacDowell successfully uses statistical facts and evidence
Information Fluency Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Information Fluency and Possible Sources. Answer: Information fluency is the capability to get proper information from different media, appraising the information thoroughly as well as scrutinizing it properly (Silverman et al. 2013). The three questions that the students need to ask before searching for the relevant information are as follows- What are the keywords that can be made use of in order to find relevant information related to the topic? What are the different sources that can be made use of in order to find information about the topic? Which are the different research areas that is concerned with this topic? Thorough reading of the topic is the key requisite for finding pertinent information. Complete understanding of the topic can help an individual in finding pertinent information. Searching different sources can help in the process of verifying of the information and can also help the student in avoiding the incidence of plagiarism. Analysis of the information would help the student in finding the right information. The three possible sources that are relevant to the topic i.e. Information Fluency are- In this book the authors has discussed about experiencing thinking. It is said that nothing can be more coherent than thinking. The act of giving reasons, thinking properly, and judging arguments, considering and reconsidering those arguments is regarded as fact. The authors has also discussed about the concept of fluency. It has been mentioned that the experiences of fluency are common and general but the people does not focus on them. Therefore if the people attend their mental processes and give importance to it, the factor of feeling which is related to all thinking process can be experienced. The principle of fluency, its sources as well as fluency in social processing, fluency and behavior regulation are explained in this book (Unkelbach and Greifeneder 2013). In this journal article the author has written about the establishment of information fluency in twenty-first century. It has been discussed that technology is vital for any kind of information and it cannot be estranged from the social context. Technology is transpiring phenomena interlinked with what is frequently differentiated as political, socio-cultural as well as economical and scientific background. It has also been discussed that the students nowadays rely on technology for most of the reasons whether it is for communication or for education. It has also been found that institutions who offer higher education accept their responsibility for the change in learning structures in order to give better and new digital environment (Sharkey 2013). In this article the author has evaluated many concepts and models in the region of information literacy and some personal views how to clarify in the best possible way both in theory and in practical. The idea of concept of information fluency can be provided as a main purpose for the endorsement of information literacy. This article mainly focuses on understanding the information fluency rather than the skills and proficiency. It has been also elucidated that the information fluency can incorporate the education requirement, advice along with counseling and information stipulation moreover supporting the individual information literacy (Bawden 2014). The reasons that indicate that the sources are credible are as follows- The first source of information is taken from a book where the information of the author is given along with the year of publication. Moreover the name of publication is also given from which it can be said the source is authentic and reliable. The second source of information is taken from a journal where the name of the author and the year of publication are mentioned. The relevant information that is required for the topic is also given in this articles which proves its authenticity. The third source of information is extracted from an article where exact information are provided along with the proper citations which confirm that the source is credible to the topic. Plagiarism can be avoided by not copying in a blind manner. One can include his/her own ideas that can help in preventing the issue of plagiarism. The citation should always be provided so that the work does not amount to a plagiarized content. Scrutinizing the sources can prove to be extremely effective in preventing plagiarism. References Bawden, D., 2014, October. Being fluent and keeping looking. InEuropean Conference on Information Literacy(pp. 13-18). Springer, Cham. Available at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-14136-7_2 [Accessed on 19.04.2018] Sharkey, J., 2013. Establishing twenty-first-century information fluency.Reference User Services Quarterly,53(1), p.33. Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/refuseserq.53.1.33 [Accessed on 19.04.2018] Silverman, R.D., Speece, D.L., Harring, J.R. and Ritchey, K.D., 2013. Fluency has a role in the simple view of reading.Scientific Studies of Reading,17(2), pp.108-133. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888438.2011.618153 [Accessed on 19.04.2018] Unkelbach, C. and Greifeneder, R. eds., 2013.The experience of thinking: How the fluency of mental processes influences cognition and behaviour. Psychology Press.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Contemporary Moral Issues Essay Topics
Contemporary Moral Issues Essay TopicsThere are plenty of ways that you can choose from for your essay topics. You could either choose a specific topic or mix up the themes by choosing some of them at the same time. Contemporary moral issues will include such topics as divorce, drug addiction, and adultery.Article writing is one of the best means for you to get a break from your usual routine. Article writing could be done for any length of time. A standard article is generally between twenty and sixty thousand words. The length is the major deciding factor when choosing the topic that you want to write about.Article writing is not just a means to make a living or to enhance your career. It is also a great opportunity to express yourself in an easy way. You can write whatever you want to and anyone will be able to read your words. This is the best way to express yourself in a way that you are sure to be understood by everyone.Contemporary moral issues essay topics can be very broad i n scope. The writing is up to you in this case. The important thing to remember is that the information that you want to share with the world is what you should write about.The key thing to remember about contemporary moral issues essay topics is that you can choose to focus on a single theme or many different themes. The good thing about choosing a single theme is that you can develop your own writing style. You can use a variety of strategies to come up with the perfect essay topic.If you are looking for essay topics that will have more meaning for you then you can start out by searching for topics that pertain to one of your hobbies. For example, if you like to fish, you might write an essay on fishing. Ifyou are a reader then you might want to write an essay on a book that you recently read. There are a multitude of topics that you can choose from, and you can tailor them to be personal to you.Article writing can take months to accomplish, so it would be wise to have a backup pl an in case you do not get to finish your article. Creating a back up of your articles is quite easy. All you need to do is copy and paste them into a word document and save them off as a PDF file.You can then download your article into an online document that you can download and print out. This way you will have a copy of the essay for you to read when you have time. You can then go through the essay and check out what areas need work and add those into your final draft.
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